Materialism and happiness are commonly said to be opposite of each other but broadly we can say if every thing is manage then materialism greatly support to happiness.
I think this is a concept that materialism reduces happiness. Firstly, What is materialism? Secondly How dose materialism effect happiness, feelings, emotions and love.
If i take the example of a farmer who lives simply in his fields, his contact with other world is just basic and little. He enjoyed a healthy, happy and satisfied life but the matter is that when I collected the view of such persons they said that they are living hard, uncomfortable and harsh.type of life.
On the other side, if i take the example of a busy job man who live in a large city, have a crowded life. His life is full of hurry and hurry. By his views his life is full of worries, tensions and problems, he had facilities of good life, by materialism he get everything except peace of mind, satisfaction of life along this he says that there is absence of happiness, fun, wisdom and other spiritual values.
Reality is that happiness doesn't depend upon materialism, feelings has no to deal with the materialism. one who lives simplest life of the era and after who has the clash with the complex, busy and modern style of life for this age, both are unsatisfied, still searching for happiness, Blaming material and modern age for happiness
The reason is that many humans do not know what is happiness and what is causes of happiness for from? They do not know by which happing they can live happily. the result is absolutely reflecting that thousand of us searching for.
=> How to live a happy life?
=> How to lead a happy and successful life?
** Tips for a happy life:-
But still there is the satisfaction about answer those who know about happiness and materialism and there relations are living satisfactorily, ideally. Materialism doesn't effect happiness or unhappiness.
solution is that there is no specific law or principal for everyone to be happy and successful effects of happiness and materialism are different from everyone. So success for the happy life is that explore your way for happiness focus upon those things.that make you happy, forgot about harmful, harsh and hopeless concept and conditions.
=> Be honest with others then you will be happy.
=> Don't disturb others happiness you will be happy.
=> Don't try be un-materialistic in case you are trying to be un-realistic.
=> Smiling is the best way to be happy and give happiness to others, instead laughing has also bad impact so avoid as much as you can.
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